
6 Fun Facts About People with May Birthdays

Are you or is someone you know celebrating a May birthday? It turns out, people born this month are luckier than those born at any other time of the year, or at least they seem to think so, according to research conducted by a professor at the University of Hertfordshire. Maybe it’s just the beautiful weather and sun that makes these individuals more optimistic and resilient, or perhaps they really are luckier than everyone else. Here’s a quick look at six more things that set people with May birthdays apart from the rest of us.

1. People with May Birthdays Could Be a Taurus or a Gemini

According to astrology, people born during the first half of the month- up until May 20- are considered a Taurus, while those born after that are a Gemini. These signs are associated with markedly different traits. For example, the ruling planet for a Taurus is Venus, which draws these folks to beauty. They’re also known for being very organized and orderly. On the other hand, a Gemini (twin) is ruled by Mercury, which makes him or her a natural communicator (aka chatterbox). Geminis are also known for being adventurous, worldly, and a bit eclectic.

2. Their Birthstone is the Emerald

Often thought of as a symbol of success, the emerald is the official birthstone of May. Some people also consider the emerald to represent love or luck.

3. Their Birth Month Flower is the Lily

Although some sources get so specific as to note the May birth flower as Lily of the Valley, most agree any type of lily is appropriate. Opt for a white lily to denote purity or go for a pink stargazer to represent prosperity.

4. A Disproportionate Number of Brilliant and Beautiful People Have May Birthdays

If you’re a believer in astrology, this can be explained easily by their star signs. If not, you can at least appreciate that the month has a lineup of pretty impressive birthdays. George Lucas (director), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Founder), Karl Marx (philosopher), and Sigmund Freud (psychologist) were all born under the sign of Taurus. Some of their Gemini cohorts include Queen Victoria, Bob Dylan (singer), Joan Collins (actress/ author), Colin Farrell (actor).

5. A Taurus is Likely to Appreciate an Educational Gift or Indulgence

People born at the start of the month will probably like a gift that either helps them keep up appearances or brings them knowledge.

6. A Gemini Will Probably Prefer Something to Make a Statement

Because Gemini folks are highly conversational, they tend to gravitate to items that will let them start a conversation, or better yet, will encourage someone to come chat them up.

Order the Perfect May Birthday Flowers

Whether you’d like to select from a wide array of exquisite birthday flowers or want a beautiful hand-tied bouquet that includes the May birth flower lily, you’re certain to find something suitable at Bloom Magic. Take advantage of our same-day delivery in Dublin or next-day delivery throughout Ireland and have the ideal birthday gift arrive exactly when you need it to.